Sunrise Inspection Services specializes in working with buyers of new Phoenix area homes whose one year warranty is coming to an end.
The 1 year warranty period is the time between the final walk through / close of escrow and exactly one year from the date of purchase of your new home. This inspection is usually performed the 11th month after the close of escrow. Scheduling your property inspection prior to the 12th month will give you time enough to have an inspection, give the list of needed repairs to the builder, and get those items repaired prior to the warranty expiration.
Our role is to provide an impartial and independent evaluation of the property for the benefit of the homeowner. Having your home professionally inspected by someone who has years of experience with new home construction provides you with one last opportunity to cause the builder to make repairs to your home before the builders obligation to repair has expired.
All inspections include a detailed inspection report written in an easy to understand format. Reports include pictures of defects to help illustrate recommendations and ease negotiation of issues with the builder. All reports are housed on a secure server for five years and can be easily downloaded.
Protect your investment. Call today and schedule your warranty inspection!